Santa Crashes New Shoreham
(With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and in Block Island Sound
Not a sailor was stirring, no ships to be found.
The ferries were docked in the harbor with care,
Traditional and Hi Speed, there was a pair.
The passengers at home, wrapped up in their sheets,
Dreaming of summer, sand covering their feets.
The Statue of Rebecca was holding her pot,
And a new holiday greeting upon Painted Rock,
Then out in Old Harbor there was such a clatter,

So loud it shook the windows of The Mad Hatter.
To the Ferry’s stern I flew like a flash,
To see what would cause such a tremendous crash.
The moon off the ocean gave the storefronts a glow,
Lighting up the harbor, I could see down below.
I searched all around and what did I see,
A small sleigh had crashed into the Lobster Pot Tree.

The banged-up driver gave me a pause,
I couldn’t believe it. There was old Santa Claus!
And scattered in front of The National Hotel
Were 8 tiny reindeer, stumbling where they had fell.
Santa jumped and yelled curses, I’m sad to report,
That could be heard all the way to Champlin’s Resort.
Then dusting himself off and stomping his feet
He made his way northbound onto Water Street.
“Need some help,” I called hoping he’d hear
While he was checking up on his dizzy reindeer.
Santa jumped with a fright, turned with a jerk,
And said, “Why are you awake and still at work?”
“Making this vessel ship-shape,” I had to retort,
“To get folks back to Pt Judith port.”
Stroking his beard, which was quite long and hairy,
He said, “By chance are you the Block Island Ferry?”
“Indeed we are, my good friend Kris Kringle,
Known far and wide for our commercial jingle.”

He hummed the tune of our calypso song,
Then called in voice as loud as a gong:
“Carol Jean, Athena, Islander, too!
Anna C, Block Island, even the old Manitou!
I smashed my sleigh on the way to mainland,
Can you do me a favor and lend me a hand?”
“We’ll grab a forklift and pick up your wreck
But the reindeer will have to stay out on deck.”
We loaded them up and got into motion
And pointed that ship right out to the ocean.
The wind was blowing and the ship it did sway
But that wouldn’t stop us, especially today.
We pushed the ferry, fighting the tide
While St Nick stood watch on the port side.
The sea it sprayed and got his suit wet
But he whooped when he saw Narragansett.

Pulling into Pt Judith, away from the sea
Not a house was awake, not even Galilee.
‘Thanks again captain,” while slapping my back
“For helping me get Christmas on track.”
And to the crewmates, he gave each a gift
Then away he flew in a pre-ordered Lyft.
Leaving so quick (he was still on the clock),
He’d forgot the reindeer lined up on the dock.

None of us knew what to do with them then.
Looks like Abrams Farm is getting Blitzen!
We hope you all have a great holiday
And always remember to just Sail Away…